ID(@id) Display_Name__c(@inputName) Channel__c(@inputChannel) Sort_order__c(@inputOrder) Category__c(@inputCategory) Business_Unit__c(@inputBU)
a2a4x000001VrcpAAC Foundation News and Announcements Email 5.0 national all
a2a4x000001VrcrAAC News and Updates for Healthcare Professionals Email 15.0 national all
a2a4x000001VrcsAAC News and Updates for Volunteers Email 20.0 national all
a2a4x000001VrcuAAC Arizona Chapter Email Ari chapters all
a2a4x000001VrcvAAC Carolinas Chapter Email Car chapters all
a2a4x000001VrcwAAC Central Florida Chapter Email Cen chapters all
a2a4x000001VrcxAAC Central Texas Chapter Email Cen chapters all
a2a4x000001VrcyAAC Connecticut/Westchester Chapter Email Con chapters all
a2a4x000001VrczAAC DC/Maryland/Virginia Chapter Email DC/ chapters all
a2a4x000001Vrd0AAC Southern Florida Chapter Email Sou chapters all
a2a4x000001Vrd1AAC Georgia Chapter Email Geo chapters all
a2a4x000001Vrd2AAC Southern Texas Chapter Email Sou chapters all
a2a4x000001Vrd4AAC Illinois Carol Fisher Chapter Email Ill chapters all
a2a4x000001Vrd5AAC Indiana Chapter Email Ind chapters all
a2a4x000001Vrd6AAC Greater Los Angeles/Orange County Chapter Email Gre chapters all
a2a4x000001Vrd7AAC Long Island Chapter Email Lon chapters all
a2a4x000001Vrd8AAC Mid-America Chapter Email Mid chapters all
a2a4x000001Vrd9AAC Michigan Chapter Email Mic chapters all
a2a4x000001VrdAAAS Minnesota/Dakotas Chapter Email Min chapters all
a2a4x000001VrdBAAS Nebraska/Iowa Chapter Email Neb chapters all
a2a4x000001VrdCAAS Northern California Chapter Email Nor chapters all
a2a4x000001VrdDAAS New England Chapter Email New chapters all
a2a4x000001VrdEAAS New Jersey Chapter Email New chapters all
a2a4x000001VrdFAAS Northern Ohio Chapter Email Nor chapters all
a2a4x000001VrdGAAS Northern Texas/Oklahoma Chapter Email Nor chapters all
a2a4x000001VrdHAAS Nevada Chapter Email Nev chapters all
a2a4x000001VrdIAAS Northwest Chapter Email Nor chapters all
a2a4x000001VrdJAAS Greater New York Chapter Email Gre chapters all
a2a4x000001VrdKAAS Philadelphia/Delaware Valley Chapter Email Phi chapters all
a2a4x000001VrdLAAS Rocky Mountain Chapter Email Roc chapters all
a2a4x000001VrdMAAS Greater San Diego and Desert Area Chapter Email Gre chapters all
a2a4x000001VrdNAAS Southern Ohio Email Sou chapters all
a2a4x000001VrdOAAS Tennessee Chapter Email Ten chapters all
a2a4x000001VrdPAAS Upstate Northeastern New York Chapter Email Ups chapters all
a2a4x000001VrdQAAS Wisconsin Chapter Email Wis chapters all
a2a4x000001VrdRAAS Western & Central New York Chapter Email Wes chapters all
a2a4x000001VrdSAAS Western Pennsylvania/West Virginia Chapter Email Wes chapters all
a2a4x000001WdORAA0 Gut Friendly Recipe Email 25.0 national nationalchapter
a2a4x0000026o6CAAQ Qorus Quarterly Newsletters Email 35.0 national 514023133
a2a4x0000029oQ9AAI Alabama/Northwest Florida Chapter Email Ala chapters all
a2a4x0000029oQYAAY Research Email 40.0 national
a2aRf0000009qIjIAI News and Updates for Take Steps Email 45.0 national all
a2aRf0000009qKLIAY News and Updates for Team Challenge Email 50.0 national all